
Thing #11 – LibraryThing

I created an account at LibraryThing. I added 16 of my all time favorite books by Science Fiction Author, Isaac Asimov (I can’t believe he has been dead for 16 years). Even though I checked out the “Suggestions” tab and found some books that I might like to read based on what books the social network folks read that also read my favorite Asimov books, the act of re-reading my Asimov titles made me want to re-read them again instead of any new ones.

I also joined a group and am watching a group. One of the most recent posts in one of the groups was titled “I want to be a Librarian because I love books”. The writer explains that loving books is not enough to be a good Librarian—a sentiment to which I agree.

The ideas I have heard of using LibraryThing in education include setting up third graders with an account and having them add and review every book they read. If they continue that activity through 12th grade think of the rich history and journal of part of their life that will exist.

Here is another use of LibraryThing. Groups of folks are entering book collections from famous people from the past. See this blog posting “Dead People’s Books”. The idea for schools is that by looking at what books famous people read, we get an idea of who they might be like today in tastes and attitudes. Just another idea for a social networking tool that happens to transcend time.


Anonymous said...

might have to go find that group myself and drop in a little comment about life in the library!

Grendel said...

I read the Dead People's Books link and really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate the way you summed up uses for Library Thing, too. It gives me a few ideas to mull over.